April 30, 2007

Crazy idea: Lawmaking 2.0

When the first 2008 debate aired on MSNBC last week, I had every intention of watching it. But I ended up passing out 30 minutes into the broadcast. The next day I stumble upon a Three-minute video clip from some guy by the name of Mike Gravel.

The title read: "Some of these people frighten me."

What a hook. I watched the entire debate via YouTube shortly there after.

The man with the mouth
I decided Gravel, the former two term senator from Alaska, was the only person not trying to bullshit me into a vote. He's responsible for a five-month filibuster that ended the Vietnam draft, declassified the papers that cleared the Washington Post from a Libel suit against Nixon and set up programs of critique for clean energy. So:

-Proven track record
-Smart clean energy policy
-Promotes transparency

More importantly, after checking his Web site I found that he had an interesting view and it did not neglect to utilize the Internet to polarize the people. He's a fan of something called the National Initiative, which basically allows for regular U.S. citizens to create the laws of this country.

"The central power of government in a democracy is lawmaking –– not voting," Gravel stated on his Web site. "Those who make the laws determine how, when, and if voters can vote."

It makes a lot more sense than what's gone on in the past. But then again I don't know how it could specifically integrate with our current law making system. But hey as far as I'm concerned, this is a fresh and new idea that no one else seems to be discussing. It also came from someone who sounds frighteningly like my Grandpa.

The man was labeled a "Nutty Liberal" the minute he spoke up at the debate. He's also been labeled as old, cranky and insane.

Using mass communication via the Internet to suggest a better law making system....that's insane.

Congruently, all the other candidates that silently reveal plans that do not concern the Internet directly, while showboating to gain votes? Insane? No, sorry this is considered normal.

I don't know about you, but my Grandpa made a lot of sense. He was just never insane enough to run for office.

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